The rapidly advancing technology and production – management relations that gradually become more and more complicated require better management methods, as well as rendering the consumption of the produced vital. The changes in consumer demands and the multitude of enterprises enhanced competition, while bringing new dimensions to the market. In line with such developments, the knowledge and practical application of modern communications techniques are required to promote and market the goods and services, manufactured in said enterprises. Scientific studies, grounded on various methods are conducted to boost the productivity of the communication act per se.
The aim of the Program of Public Relations and Publicity is to educate young people, who can carry out communication tasks in light of scientific methods, equipping them with skills, vocational knowledge and relevant foreign languages, so that they can bear their professional responsibilities with proper etiquette.
Furthermore, our students are required to complete a workplace application for a total of 30 days, in the end of which, they reinforce their theoretical knowledge with practical experience and get to meet their future work fields and co-workers, when they are still students.
Vertical Transfer Opportunities
According to the DGS (Dikey Geçiş Sınavı / Vertical Transfer Exam) result, they can switch over to the 4 year sections related to their field.
Related 4 year programs
1.Public Relations
2.Public Relations and Advertising
3.Public Relations and Publicity
5.Communications Arts
6.Communication Design
7.Communication and Design
8.Advertising Design and Communication
10.Advertising and Public Relations
Career Opportunities
1.PR Companies
2.Advertising Companies
3.PR Departments of various private and public institutions
4.Marketing Firms
5.SMEs that are in specific needs for people with such skills
6.Public institutions and enterprises
7.Academia for those that continue their education with a BA through External Transfer
Training Period
2 Years
Education Language