Message From The Rector

Dear Students,

Doğuş University has a selected place as one of the most prominent city universities among the universities of our country in terms of its dignity, solemnity and quality of education and training.

Here I must particularly state that this pride and glorified stance stems from several harmoniously combined factors such as highly qualified and competent academic staff who are engaged in studies at international scientific and technological studies, powerful spatial, financial and technological infrastructure and all of which have made a great deal of contribution to this success story.

The aim of our university which accommodates a highly qualified competent academic staff and high quality infrastructure is to train and educate you as individuals who are fully-equipped with by all means in scientific, academic, technical and socio-cultural fields so as to prepare for you the future of business world. 

I believe that you, our dignified students will also experience and enjoy the fair pride of being a selected student of Doğuş University which has always taken its active role in the fields of science, academic studies as well as fine arts and social activities. 


Prof. Dr. Ahmet Alkan ÇELİK
A. Rector