International Relations and Erasmus Office

International Relations Office is in charge of “overseas education” programs, which enable our students to continue some of their education abroad, joint programs aiming  to integrate our university into the foreign education and research fields, exchange of students and teaching staff, in bilateral agreements with overseas universities, including all programs and activities. Dogus University, not only in Turkey but all over the world is rapidly becoming a recognized international brand. Doğuş University, which proceeds with a global understanding of education and a vision of transcending borders, constantly adds new gates to the world. Through Erasmus exchange agreements, bilateral academic collaborations and scientific project partnerships, Doğuş University works with leading universities of Europe, America and Asia.

This wide range gives students the opportunity to gain new experiences and expand their visions.

In the framework of the European Higher Education Area, which the Bologna Process aims to establish, the ultimate goal of compatibility and integration with the education system in the developed countries of the European Union is our ultimate goal.

Our ultimate goal is to build accordance  and integration with the education system, being run  in the developed countries of the European Union, that Bologna Process aims to establish.

For this purpose, by establishing bilateral relations with the universities and institutes in Europe, we lead all kinds of scientific and cultural cooperation between our university and these universities from student and faculty exchange to preparation of joint projects. In this context, we cooperate with more than 90 universities in Europe and reputable universities from outside Europe.


Phone: 444 7997 / 1077 - 1089 - 1092

Our Team:

Full NameTitleE-Mail
Ülker TEZKAÇHead Of International Relations and Erasmus