
 Rector Prof. Dr. Ahmet Alkan ÇELİK
 Vice Rector Prof. Dr. Yelda ÖZKOÇAK
Vice RectorProf. Dr. Erkut ALTINDAĞ
 Dean of the Faculty of Arts and Sciences Prof. Dr. Esra KÖTEN
 Representative of the Faculty of Arts and Sciences  Prof. Dr. Yelda ÖZKOÇAK
 Dean of the Faculty of Law Prof. Dr. Mustafa Alper GÜMÜŞ
 Representative of the Faculty of Law Asst. Prof. Sami Özgür MEMİŞOĞLU
 Dean of the Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences Prof. Dr. Nüket SARACEL
 Representative of the Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences Prof. Dr. Deniz PARLAK
Dean of the Faculty of Engineering Prof. Dr. Sunullah ÖZBEK
 Representative of the Faculty of Engineering Prof. Dr. Shahram MINAEI
 Dean of the Faculty of Art and Design  Prof. Dr. Erhan TUNA
 Representative of the Faculty of Art and Design Prof. Dr. Funda SAVAŞ GÜN
 Acting Director of School of Health Sciences Prof. Dr. Mesut KUMRU 
 Director of Institute of Graduate Education Asst. Prof. Ahmet Yekta KAYMAN
 Director of Vocational School Assoc. Prof. Semra BOĞA ŞAHİN
Secretary General / Rapporteur Attorney Bağlan UZGÖREN