Rector | Prof. Dr. Ahmet Alkan ÇELİK |
Vice Rector | Prof. Dr. Yelda ÖZKOÇAK |
Vice Rector | Prof. Dr. Erkut
Dean of the Faculty of Arts and Sciences | Prof. Dr. Esra KÖTEN |
Vice Dean of the Faculty of Arts and Sciences | Asst. Prof. Umut ELDEM |
Vice Dean of the Faculty of Arts and Sciences | Asst. Prof. Meriç KURTULUŞ |
Dean of the Faculty of Law | Prof. Dr. Mustafa Alper GÜMÜŞ |
Vice Dean of the Faculty of Law | Asst. Prof. Hande DENİZ |
Vice Dean of the Faculty of Law | Asst. Prof. Sami Özgür MEMİŞOĞLU |
Dean of the Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences | Prof. Dr. Nüket SARACEL |
Vice Dean of the Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences | Asst. Prof. Ayşe İLGÜN KAMANLI |
Vice Dean of the Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences | Asst. Prof. Efe Can MÜDERRİSOĞLU |
Dean of the Faculty of Engineering | Prof. Dr. Sunullah ÖZBEK |
Vice Dean of the Faculty of Engineering | Asst. Prof. Yasemin Karagül
Vice Dean of the Faculty of Engineering | Asst. Prof. Ertuğrul Kıraç
Dean of the Faculty of Art and Design | Prof. Dr. Erhan TUNA |
Vice Dean of the Faculty of Art and Design | Asst. Prof. Dilek ARDUZLAR KAĞAN |
Vice Dean of the Faculty of Art and Design | Asst. Prof. Zeynep KESKİN |
Director Acting of School of Health Sciences | Prof. Dr. Kamil Uslu |
Deputy Director of School of Health Sciences | Assoc. Prof. Handan AKTAŞ |
Director of Graduate Education Institute | Asst. Prof. Ahmet Yekta KAYMAN |
Deputy Director of Graduate Education Institute | Asst. Prof. Yusuf YALÇIN |
Director of Vocational School | Assoc. Prof. Semra BOĞA ŞAHİN |
Deputy Director of Vocational School | Lecturer Merve DİNÇ |
Head of the Department of Turkish Language and History of Turkish Revolution | Asst. Prof. Hakan KAYA |
Head of Department of Foreign Languages Unit | Lecturer Tuğba Nilgün KIN |