Date: 22 March 2019

Our university has become a member of Turkey PANDA

Prof. Dr. Kazem Azizi, lecturer in the department of Physics, has become a member of Doğuş University and Turkey PANDA experiment (Anti-Proton Annihilation Darmsdat). PANDA experiment, which has been founded in Darmstad, Germany, GSI Helmholtzzentrum für Schwerionenforschung, aims to be one of the most important experiments in the field of hadron physics worldwide. This experiment is expected to answer a number of questions due to its structure. Especially the unclear inner features of egzotic XYZ particles found in recent years by various experiments (CERN, Fermilab, Belle, BESIII), will be possible to be clarified by PANDA. In addition, it is aimed by PANDA to specify the hadronic features and internal structure and geometric shapes of the cores in a dense and warm environment. Prof. Dr. Kazem Azizi and his colleagues, Prof. Dr. Haluk Denizli ve Doç. Dr. Nuray Er from Bolu Abant İzzet Baysal University have taken part in the PANDA experiment as Turkish group along with their universities and they are expected to offer significant contributions at various stages of the experiment. This membership will especially provide engineering faculty undergraduate, graduate and doctoral students with a significant opportunity. Our students will be able to make significant contributions to the development of hardware and software of this important ongoing worldwide experiment and will have a chance to carry on their thesis in relation to this experiment.

You can find further information about PANDA experiment below.